Bell 47 Helicopters For Sale
New Whirlybirds Inc CEO Joey Rhodes
Welcome & Thank you for visiting New Whirlybirds Inc.
I wish to thank you for visiting and hopefully utilizing our website. Our services are provided by a person – not a computer. Therefore, each page abounds with information for inspiration. As you can imagine, our deeds for our clients have met their needs. Their vivid stories are well documented by our “Testimonials” webpage detailing the time & money we have saved for them. Please take a moment to consider purchasing our E-Book “How to Buy & Sell a Helicopter.” In addition, knowing the real value of an over priced 47 is rectified by our proven appraisal system used by attorneys & banks. These acts of wisdom will pay big dividends for future research and consultations. If you are a Bell 47 Owner – we offer you a safe and secure listing service to discreetly sell your 47 to qualified buyers.
Most importantly, we have a honored, respected, and accessible brand CEO – Joey Rhodes, who started flying in 1968 and is internationally famous for his documented contributions and outstanding integrity concerning the Bell 47 World Community.
WHY? Joey’s valued presidential steady leadership of 760 + B47HA Members for the past 22 years, his focused guidance of 3600 + members of the Facebook “Bell 47″ group, and finally, his influence in the Bell 47 Helicopter Brokerage & Parts Industry provide our customers with confidence in knowing Joey will properly address their Bell 47 needs.
However, most people, worldwide, know Joey from his starring role in “The Whirlybirds” tribute.
Our services include:
- Helicopter Listings & Sales Brokerage
- Consultation
- Acquisitions
- Appraisals